After graduating with a degree in civil engineering, I set about finding an entry-level position with an engineering firm in structural and geotechnical engineering. After sending myriads of applications and resumes to employers, it became apparent I would have to practice patience and perseverance in order to use my engineering skills. That’s where I was when I met Tim Mooney.
The biggest benefit I received from Tim’s coaching was the confidence to pursue different paths and opportunities that I might not have otherwise discovered. After completing Career Match™, I quickly realized that while civil/structural engineering was my primary passion, I also have an interest in teaching. That led to an instructional position with the local school district which lets me develop my interest in teaching while also pursuing a master’s degree in engineering. My goal is still in engineering, but I am thankful for the chance to develop other important skills and research other paths for the future.
I highly recommend Natural Talent Careers and Tim’s coaching services. He is an encouraging listener who challenges you to look outside the box and offers a systematic solution to find your dream career. He brings great expertise and wisdom in the public and private sectors, knowing the tools needed to research each option. Having a coach like Tim will bring great hope to your future.